The casting will be fairly simple:
Actor - Andre Francesco Santos - Allan (me)
Description: The reason why I am going to play the role is because I am 16 myself therefore I fit the profile to play the Son character too. We managed to also fail to get anyone else to fill our placement so therefore I chose to play the character.
Actor- Amy Clarke
Description: We could not find anyone to fit the Mother character who was of a more mature age so therefore we asked Amy to fill the role despite her age of 16, we feel she may be able to effectively fill the role and play the character, with the use of poor lighting and costumes we will hope to not reveal her age but hopefully this will not be a problem, the problem we may encounter is showing she has Polio, however at no point do we directly mention she has Polio therefore it leaves vagueness to the audience wondering, effective at keeping the audience wanting to carry on and gripped.
YOu need images of your intended cast, with reasons for your choices that link to existing products.